Scholastic Cheer NZ

Routine length: 1min 30sec

Chant: 45sec

(Only High School's and university's are required to have a cheer. Cheer is not included within your routine time, however your routine must not exceed 2m15s.)

Scholastic Cheer AUS

Routine length: 2min 30Sec

No Chant Required.

(All Scholastic teams will be scored off the Cheerbrandz 2024 Scoring rubric, and abide by the IASF Rules. This can be found under the Cheer Scoring tab)

University Cheer NZ + AUS

Routine Length: 1min 45sec

Chant: 45sec

(University's are required to have a chant. Your Chant is not included within your routine time, however your routine must not exceed 2m30s.)

(Exception: Level 1 Non-tumble is not required to have a chant. Routine time limit is 2min)