CHEER LevelS 2-5 (2 Days)

EARLY (12wks Prior): $75/Athlete
ON TIME (6wks Prior): $85 /Athlete
FINAL (2wks Prior): $95/Athlete

EARLY ENDS: 24 July 2017

ON TIME ENDS: 4 September 2017

*To receive Early or On Time Pricing full payment is required before the end dates.

SCHOlastic CHEER (1-Day)

$40 /Athlete

recreational Cheer Level 1 (1-Day)

EARLY (12wks Prior): $45/Athlete
ON TIME (6wks Prior): $55 /Athlete
FINAL (2wks Prior): $65/Athlete

dance only (1-Day)

EARLY (12wks Prior): $45/Athlete
ON TIME (6wks Prior): $55 /Athlete
FINAL (2wks Prior): $65/Athlete


A crossover is the fee charged for any extra routines an athlete enters.

Early (12 weeks prior): $15 per athlete per routine
On Time (6 weeks prior): $25 per athlete per routine
Final (2 weeks prior): $35 per athlete per routine

For Example: If an athlete competes in 2 cheer routines and 1 dance routine & registers On-Time, the cost will be:
Entry Fee: $55 (covers first routine)
Crossover 2nd routine: $25
Crossover 3rd routine: $25
Total to pay: $105 for all 3 routines


Cheer Solos, Duos & Partner & Group Stunt:
Early: $20 /Athlete
On Time: $30/Athlete
Final: $40/athlete

Refund Policy

If you need to cancel your registration please notify us by email 6 weeks prior to the event to receive a refund less, a $50 admin fee per team entered. No refunds will be made within 6 weeks of the event or for a no-show, dropout or scratch at the competition. Email